Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bush pictures

Here are some pictures of various scenes of bush scenery around Kayemor and Kaolack.

This is looking straight west from the front of my hut at sunset:

This is a different day looking east at sunset:

One day when I was out visiting farmers (Tomsir decided to tag along), I passed a big puddle in the road that was full of tadpoles:

These two pictures were taken from the inside of a car while traveling from Thiès to Kaolack. We were obviously quickly running into a storm.

These pictures were taken from the roof of our Peace Corps house in Kaolack as a big storm was passing through. It didn’t end up raining much at all, but it sure was really windy and dusty.

This is in the Talibe garden that I help out with at sunset. Beautiful African's much nicer at 7 pm than 2 pm.

Here's in the Talibe garden, too, but a different day, right before a storm hit - pre-storm rainbows are pretty common.

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